Grace period and prevention period

What is the grace period?

The grace period (in other words: grace) is the period which must pass by from the time of the last treatment during which we used plant protection products till the moment during which we will be able to harvest the plants intended for consumption. In other words, this is the period of time which we must wait until we can safely harvest the sprayed plants. Grace periods differ depending on the used formulation and the plant itself. Detailed information regarding the grace period is always provided on the specific plant protection product.


What is the prevention period?

The prevention period (in other words: prevention) is the period which must pass by from the time of conducting the spraying operation using a plant protection product till the moment of commencement of the “work” by useful insects, e.g. bees. In other words, this is the final deadline during which we can safely perform the spraying operation without creating any risk to pollinators. After this deadline, the performance of the spraying operation exposes the useful insects to the risk of poisoning. The prevention period, just like the grace period, differs depending on the used product; it is also specified on the product packaging.

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