Active Komposter 1 kg speeds up the decomposition of organic matter

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Price: €4.50
  (1 kg = €4.50 )

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Composting is defined as the decomposition of organic matter with the participation of microorganisms which form humus. Composting microorganisms require proper environment and supply of nutrients for their development. The ratio of carbon to nitrogen is absolutely important in the composting process. The natural biomass contains a lot of carbon, but it is deficient in nitrogen, which we can complement using Active Komposter Owing to this, we can obtain on our own the highest quality, natural fertiliser which is suitable for all plants. Additionally, composting allows for the management of organic domestic and garden waste, which reduces the costs of disposal.

Directions for use:

  • compost should be moistened with water,
  • then, we sprinkle it with Active Komposter,
  • the mass must then be mixed and kneaded,
  • mix again after 2 to 4 hours.


It is recommended to use the fertiliser in the period between March and October. The fertiliser enriches compost effectively, and at the same time speeds up the composting process itself.

Recommended dosage:

200 grammes of fertiliser per 1 m3 of compost. A handful is about 50 g of fertiliser. Do not exceed the recommended doses.

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