TerraCottem Universal 20 g

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Price: €2.00
  (1 kg = €100.00 )

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Terracottem is an excellent and extremely effective fertilizer and nutrient in one that guarantees abundant crops and plant growth in flower beds, gardens and orchards. Minimizes watering.

TerraCottem conditioner is used to increase soil moisture and capacity nutrient management. The conditioner improves rooting of plants, significantly improves their growth and ability to survive in unfavorable climatic conditions.

Using TerraCottem conditioner can reduce irrigation by up to 50%. TerraCottem conditioner is a mixture of hydro-absorbing polymers, organic material and volcanic rock enriched with gradually releasing nitrogen fertilizers. 100 grams of TerraCottem conditioner absorbs 4500 g of water from the substrate. At least 90% of the water contained in polymers is available to plants. Soil fertilization technology is used in the root zone of plants by thoroughly mixing the nutrient with the substrate.

How to use

For agriculture, horticulture and tree planting:

  1. Dig a hole twice the size of the root of the plant. Keep a small amount of excavated earth.
  2. Add TerraCottem® Universal (TCU) to excavated soil at recommended dose and mix well.
  3. Sprinkle some TCU soil mixture into the bottom. Place the plant in the pit.
  4. Spread the root with a mixture of TCU and soil.< /li>
  5. Back up the hole with the plant so that there is a depression to hold it water in it.
  6. Water well.

When planting flowers and shrubs in flower beds, flower towers, roof gardens, lawns, etc.< /span>

  1. Spread the soil surface with the recommended rate of TerraCottem® Universal (TCU) or a mixture of soil and TCU using a seeder.
  2. In small areas (e.g. several dozen square meters) and on slopes, sprinkle the surface with the recommended dose manually.
  3. On the same day, the covered area should be plowed with a tiller to a depth of 20 cm.
  4. Use handheld aerators in small areas and on slopes.
  5. Prepare the soil for planting or sowing.
  6. To plant or sow.
  7. Water well.

For flowering plants, potted plants, balcony plants, flowerbeds, etc.

  1. Mix TerraCottem® Universal (TCU) with the substrate at the recommended dosage.
  2. Fill the bottom of the container with a mixture of TCU and substrate.
  3. Place the plant in a container and fill it with a mixture of TCU and substrate.
  4. Water generously.


TerraCottem hydrogel fertilizer is used when planting trees and shrubs, flowers, lawns or roof gardens. It is also perfect for use in pots and balcony boxes, containers and hanging baskets. TerraCottem is also used in agriculture.

When to use it?

When planting or just before sowing.

Frequency of use

Once only.


  • Faster, deeper and more intensive development of the root system.
  • Increased water-holding capacity of the substrate.
  • Water saving up to 50%.
  • Reduce shock during periods of drought and replanting.
  • Flowering and fruiting period extended by several weeks.
  • Increase in microbial activity in the soil.
  • Better aeration and loosening of the soil.
  • Plant development on degraded and saline soils.

Composition and package size

Pack size: 20 g


Hydroabsorbent polymer blend: 39.50%
Fertilizers: 10.50% (including nitrogen: 4%, phosphorus pentoxide P2O5 dissolved in mineral acid: 1%, potassium oxide K2O dissolved in water: 5,5%, trace elements B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn)
Organic material: 0.25%
Volcanic rock: 49.75%



Application for each bottom.  

Bottom size Litre capacity< /td>

Dosage in grams

20 x 20 x 30 cm 12


30 x 30 x 30 cm 27 40
40 x 40 x 40 cm 64 100
50 x 50 x 50 cm 125 185
60 x 60 x 60 cm 216 325
70 x 70 x 70 cm 343 500
80 x 80 x 80 cm 512 750
90 x 90 x 90 cm 729 1000
1 x 1 x 1 m 1000 1500
1.5 x 1.5 x 1, 5m 3370 5000

  Gardening Container application   Planting trees and shrubs Average 1.5 kg per m3 of excavated soil for planting, or 1.5 kg per liter of soil.   Flowers and shrubs in flower beds, flower towers, roof gardens, lawns, etc . Average 100g per m2 or 500g per m3 mixture of soil and TerraCott.   Flowering plants, potted plants, balcony plants, flowerbeds, etc. Average 5 kg per m 3 or 5 g per liter of substrate.   Package sizes. Spanning area (approximately). The above-mentioned doses apply in most cases. However, they may vary depending on climate or soil type.  

  20 kg 10 kg 5 kg
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